November 6, 2013
December 2011
State of the Arts,U.S. State Department -State Magazine (click the link to see the article)
Finalists in the 25th Annual International Young Artist Piano Competition, created to promote the music of Chinese composers and further cultural exchange between peoples of the East and West, perform classical Chinese and European pieces.
On this week's program, a series of performances recorded at two of the leading piano competitions for young artists in the U.S.: the Fifth New York International Piano Competition at the Manhattan School of Music and the 25th International Young Artists Piano Competition at Catholic University.
小鋼琴家 大秀琴藝
第25屆國際鋼琴音樂比賽首獎及中國獎優勝者,日前在甘迺迪中心千禧舞台舉行演奏會。七位小鋼琴家蔡美恩、Elizabeth Hu、保瑞雪、Evelyn Mo、梅和聲、侯嘉玲和Sangmi Yoon演出中西鋼琴曲,年紀輕輕卻以不凡琴藝贏得到場300多位觀眾好評,而民族色彩強烈的中國作曲家作品,展現中西合璧的音樂風貌,在場洋觀眾們更是感到趣味盎然。
Read more: 世界新聞網-北美華文新聞、華商資訊 - 小鋼琴家 大秀琴藝
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